Monday, August 31, 2009

Uniforms or not?

 My son has started Kindergarten this school year and they are required to wear uniforms. This is a rule all the way up to Highschool Graduation.  At first I was very against the fact that I had absolutely no say so in what my child was gonna wear to school. I have always felt like that was one big excitement for starting a new school year. Well now that it has been a few weeks into the school year I have found that  uniforms are the way to go.All of the children look so adorable..... dressed in there classy/prep style clothing. There is no more slouchy attire in these schools. And another good thing about them is they are price friendly...... which I never expected.You can buy them at just about any clothing store. And no matter what the brand all children are equal as long as they follow the correct guidelines set out by the school. Its no longer a Popularity contest on who looks the best.YES to school uniforms!!!!